Interactive eBooks for Your eReader App
We offer remarkably enhanced eBooks for your eReader app. You can now launch interactive eBooks that create exceptional learning experiences for teachers, students, and employers. Interactive digital eBooks take learning to the next level. They provide a unique interactive learning environment as students or employees are reading the eBook. Learning is magnified and retained to a far greater degree with these impressive digital eBook features. As a publisher, you can now deliver a new kind of eBook or digital textbook. Never before have students been able to learn faster and remember longer. The best part is as the publisher or teacher; you can track the reader's progress each step of the way. You can analyze their engagement with the ebook in real-time. As a teacher or employer, you can analyze the engagement of your whole team or class at once.
Interactive eBooks are the way to go if you are looking at creating interactive eBooks that engage readers in a new way.